Vexations for music box

This is not, strictly speaking, poetry-related, though if I tried I'm sure I could find an connection. Craig Conley has been featuring music-box renditions of classical music pieces on his blog, done in association with Ken Clinger. I requested some Erik Satie -- specifically, "Vexations", in which a short and highly chromatic piece of music is repeated 840 times, usually lasting eighteen hours or so.

I'm happy to report that Craig and Ken delivered, and I offer them both kudos and thanks. It is a marvelous rendition, creepy and soothing, simple and hallucinatory. I strongly recommend you go give it a listen, especially if you're not doing anything for the next eighteen hours and forty minutes.


  1. RWD said...
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  2. RWD said...

    vexations is "highly chromatic" to you?
    queer . . .  

  3. Chris said...

    I may be using "chromatic" in the wrong way. In my brain, it means something along the lines of "sure does require a lot of accidentals to notate". Or, perhaps, creating harmonic effects by not sticking to a standard diatonic scale. I suppose it has a narrower technical term. I bow to your judgment.  


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