
So, yes, this week grad school has begun with a battery of language competency tests (which so far seem to have gone fine), but. This blog's ridiculously frequent update schedule will probably take a severe hit over the next few weeks, and then come back to a far slower trickle. Your author would apologize, but we are all probably better off for it. Have I, in some way or another, made my point, and will I not just keep repeating my point? I don't know. If you think I haven't, let me know. If you see something and feel that you know "what would Chris think?", then surely I have. And there are so many other blogs to read, and so many other voices to consider.

Anyway this is just to explain why things will surely be slowing down for a bit. But not to a complete halt, not yet.


  1. Eccentric Scholar said...

    let all poems speak and address themselves
    —E. Ethelbert Miller, "Incantation {for jonetta)," The Oxford Anthology of African-American Poetry  

  2. Chris said...

    No. Why should they get all the fun?  

  3. Eccentric Scholar said...

    I like the simplicity, confidence, and firmness of your answer: "No." I didn't think the poet meant "let all poems speak and address themselves EXCLUSIVELY." Of course, what I was imagining was something out of James Nelson Hulme's ALLITERATION book that I shared with you.  

  4. Eccentric Scholar said...

    But back to the original point of my comment -- if you were going to quit your blog, the poems would, by definition, have to speak for themselves.  

  5. Chris said...

    I have heard rumors of other poetry bloggers, though...  

  6. Eccentric Scholar said...

    Other poetry bloggers? Hearsay and hogwash!  


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